Battery is an energy storage tool that stores electric power as chemical energy and converts this energy into electric power where necessary.
Its main aim is to start the engine along with starting, lighting and ignition. The main question about meaning of battery may be answered traditionally as conversion of chemical energy reacting with electrical circuit into electric power. However, new-generation batteries manufactured as a result of development of automotive technology also store electric power as chemical energy and may be used where necessary. Thanks to new-generation batteries manufactured with advanced technology, traditional demanding batteries and deformations that may arise during charge-discharge replacements are eliminated. New products may also provide much higher performance with AGM technology and start-stop operations.
What is Battery and How Does Battery Work?
Operating principles and process of batteries include stages that stimulate each other. Starting, lighting, ignition and operation are followed respectively. This matter identifies with the definition of battery in some way. After action of starting the engine, electric power of the vehicle is supplied by alternator. SLI-type, namely lead-acid batteries are designed to release a high blowout flow that is measured in ampere and then charge quickly. These not only start the engine, but also store electric power chemically and are reused again where necessary and have various similar functions. In addition to all these functions, batteries supply extra power needed when electricity requirements of vehicle exceeds the demand from charging system.
What Are the Types of Battery?
Under existing circumstances, batteries are used for all motor vehicles and are called as lead-acid batteries since main substances used in production processes consist of lead and sulphuric acid. All batteries used in motor vehicles have standard working principle covering our answer given to the definition of battery. According to the fields of use, batteries are divided into groups as automotive batteries, stationary batteries and traction batteries. According to types of metal, lead-acid, iron-nickel, nickel-cadmium and silver-zinc batteries are used. These batteries vary depending on efficiency of use and performance. Today, lead-acid batteries are preferred commonly. Lead-acid batteries are divided into two groups as flooded and dry batteries.
You may visit our page Find Your Battery to get the battery compatible with your vehicle.